Caregiver's Compass

Creating change in dementia through Montessori based strategies, with Rev Katie Norris (episode 90)

December 22, 2023 Stephanie Muskat Season 3 Episode 90

In today’s episode, the incredible Rev Katie Norris talks about her experiences caring for her mom with dementia with her son Jeffrey, and how this shaped her passion for entering a career in caregiving support. Katie discusses the very unique Montessori approach to dementia care and her successful membership and coaching program for caregivers.

About Katie:

Rev. Katie is an AMI Montessori for Aging and Dementia Practitioner and primary author of "Creative Connections in Dementia Care®." She started in dementia care 14 years ago and has taught families, churches, nursing care facilities, and other AMI students Montessori based care. Post-pandemic, she took her work online, and now she, with her son Jeffrey (who was a child care partner for his grandmother), coach families and hired care partners in trauma-informed Montessori based dementia care through their online dementia care membership, the Care Partners House™. She was a live-in care partner for her mother who had Lewy Body Dementia and is now a long-distance care partner for her dad who has Alzheimer's Disease. 

Find Rev Katie Norris and her son Jeffrey on Instagram: @creativeconnectionsdementia 

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