Caregiver's Compass

‘My parent has poor health habits but refuses any of my support or suggestions for change’ (Episode 93)

Stephanie Muskat Season 4 Episode 94

So you have identified what needs to change when it comes to your parent’s care or habits, or you have recognized the risks in their current lifestyle choices and want to ensure they stay safe and healthy. But whenever you approach them to talk about this, they are either entirely resistant, or refuse to talk about this. Or maybe they are open to engaging with you but then it is as if they didn’t hear a word you said because nothing ever changes leading you worried about what is to come if they do not make real change now.

In this episode, Stephanie talks about what you can and can’t do when it comes to asserting change in your parent’s life and how to navigate what can at times feel out of control, powerless and very anxiety-provoking. 

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